The Community Services Unit is a partnership of police officers, schools, parents, businesses and community members that provides a proactive approach to law enforcement. This is accomplished by working together to identify and resolve community problems. The Community Service Officers educate the public on a multitude of topics such as crime prevention and awareness. The unit’s efforts help to foster a stronger working relationship between the department and the community we serve. The unit encompasses the Youth Services Unit and is staffed by one First Sergeant, two investigators and three juvenile officers, two of which are assigned as school resource officers at Guilderland High School and Farnsworth Middle School.

Investigator Hanzalik and Officers Stallmer and Ralston, all certified D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) instructors, continue to provide the Guilderland Police Departments D.A.R.E. instruction to all 5th grade elementary students within the Guilderland School District. D.A.R.E. provides the students in our community with the necessary skills and information they need to make good life choices.

Coffee With A Cop is held at various times throughout the year at local establishments in town. During a two hour slot CSU officers are available for conversations over coffee. The event gives citizens an opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns and get to know our officers. Find out the next Coffee With A Cop date by following us on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for free Nixle text and e-mail alerts.

The Community Services Unit offers free New York State Safe Child Identification cards at various community events throughout the year including National Night Out, Westmere Fire Department annual open house, Guilderland Library Kids Day, and at the Altamont Fair in the Hometown Hero's building during fair week.

Community Services Unit hosts National Night Out on the first Tuesday of August each year. CSU officers spend many hours preparing for the event securing vendors and attractions to offer the community one of the most popular events in the area.

Each year the Community Services Unit participates in National Drug Take Back Day which is in the Spring and Fall. Drug Take Back allows the community to dispose of unused and unneeded medications in an effort to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.